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FOCam data

After the preliminary screening to eliminate spurious data, 1446 observation records were retained. The general statistics of the FWHM measurements is:

Average: 		 0.79 arcsec

Median: 0.75 arcsec

Rms: 0.205 arcsec

Minimum: 0.32 arcsec

Because tracking and guiding errors are not corrected by a fast tilting mirror as it was the case with HRCam, the FOCam image sizes are larger than the ones obtained by HRCam and also show a higher dependency on wind speed:
Median for U < 3 m/s: 		 0.74 arcsec

Median for 3 < U < 6 m/s: 0.75 arcsec

Median for 6 < U < 10 m/s: 0.78 arcsec

Median for U > 10 m/s: 0.91 arcsec

Fig. gif shows a scatter plot of FWHM values with respect to . Only observations with and U < 6 m/s are plotted.
For a trend to larger FWHM values can be noticed. However the values of are less uniformly scattered than it was the case with HRCam data: for K there are only three clusters of data each belonging to a same observation sequence.

For K, seeing even appears to decrease but the scarcity of data does not allow us to attribute a statistical significance to the trend.

Fig. gif shows the scatter of FWHM values with respect to the temperature difference between the dome interior and the outside air. The FOCam data also cover the range of positive up to 4K and, although here also the data points are very unevenly scattered, no trends are apparent.

  [IMAGE ]
Figure: FWHM from the FOCam data as a function temperature difference between the mirror surface and the surrounding air. The full line represents a best fit of binned median values: for the mirror seeing contribution is evaluated 0.3 . The dashed line corresponds to a factor of 0.38, as obtained from the HRCam data.

Figure: FWHM from the FOCam data as a function of the temperature difference between dome interior and outside.

The airmass effect is then evaluated by analyzing a subset with 0.3K and U < 6 m/s (fig. gif). Noting that the median FWHM for is 0.71 arcsec, a least square fit on the binned median values gives a fixed error due to the instrument

while the airmass dependent variable is evaluated as

While we had expected the value of from FOCam to be larger that in HRCam, we find that also the apparent natural seeing is larger. Barring the possibility that HRCam can correct seeing image motion to such an extent, this suggests the presence of mechanical effects from the telescope which cause the tracking performance to depend on orientation. As the data set does not allow the discrimination of this particular effect, we will proceed in the analysis on the basis of the values evaluated above, since the effect of an inaccuracy in the relative weighting on other seeing effects is anyway minor (see equation (gif)).

Inserting the computed values of and in equation (gif), a least square fit on the mirror seeing data (fig. gif) gives for :


One should remind that the value of this coefficient is determined to a large extent by only three data sequences and therefore carries less confidence than the value found in the HRCam case (which was 0.38 arcsec/). Both trend lines are drawn for illustration on fig. gif.

  [IMAGE ]
Figure: FOCam FWHM versus in absence of wind and mirror seeing effects.

Fig. gif shows a scatter plot of FWHM with respect to wind speed. This subset only includes data for which and K (562 records).
This plot shows the overall effect of wind on the FOCam performance, averaging out the influence of relative azimuth of observation with respect to wind direction. Assuming that the median of the wind induced errors are proportional to the square of wind speed
a best fit of equation
gives then

  [IMAGE ]
Figure: FOCam FWHM versus wind speed.

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Lorenzo Zago,, Mon Nov 6 23:33:14 GMT+0100 1995